Monday, May 5, 2008

"Christian Rock" ????......what about Christian Bach?

My band Torman Maxt has been around since 1994. Between the three albums we have released we have received over one hundred reviews and have pretty much ‘heard it all.’ The internet has offered many opportunities for music fans to become electronically published reviewers.

Now anyone who is in a band, from the smallest of upstarts to the majors, can empathize with me when it comes to being a target for criticism. Nobody escapes it. Nobody.

The moment a band puts their music ‘out there’, any realistic person has to be prepared for the complete range of opinions that will come along. Some that are very astute and some that are downright idiotic. Some opinions speak your praises while others describe why you are so bad! My brother, who is a huge Dream Theater fan, reads the Mike Portnoy forum all of the time and is constantly telling me about people who rag on Dream Theater on the Dream Theater site. One guy even begged Mike to never sing again on an album....on Mike’s own forum!!!

So, it is clear that we live in a faceless cyber world where people can say whatever they want to and get it published on the web whether they are qualified or not. (Hmmm…that might be true of this blog...) As a person who is quite libertarian by nature, that freedom is fine with me. (Incidentally, I have purposely used a large photo of my mug on this site to combat the ‘facelessness’ of the internet world).

As far as specific criticisms of our band and our albums, the most common ones tend to be about my voice, the production and it not being true progressive music. I even had a guy who described my voice as sounding like Geddy Lee in high school! (Actually, while I don’t think he meant it as a compliment, I found it quite humorous. I am wondering, however, if the reviewer meant before or after Geddy hit puberty)?

While nobody ever wants to hear negative criticisms about themselves (myself included), the above mentioned critiques to me are both very legitimate and acceptable. I think I have a reasonable defense for them, but nonetheless, they are acceptable to me and I take no issue with them.

However, there is one thing that keeps coming up over and over lately that gives me the feelings that range from puzzlement and confusion all the way to outright annoyance. What is driving me absolutely bonkers is this “Christian Rock” or “Christian Progressive” band label. In addition to being unfair, it is fundamentally and definitionally nonsensical.

In is nonsensical because it tells you absolutely nothing about the sound of the band. For example, the term “heavy metal” implies loud distorted guitars with driving bass and drums; “classical” usually implies traditional orchestral timbres from dead composers. Calling something “Christian” tells you nothing about the sound or style or arrangement of the music. It only tells you about the core beliefs and values of the people in the band. I’ve never heard anyone describe Rush as “Secular humanistic progressive Rock.” It seems Christians are the only ones who have their values incorporated into the description of their music.

To be tagged as a band who are Christians and write songs that reflect their core beliefs and values in their lyrics is very reasonable. But that is entirely different from calling someone a “Christian Rock” band. There are lots of assumptions with that term, and it has been my experience that in most instances the people who use it are using as a pejorative. I have talked to many music fans and reviewers and it is a common assumption that the word “Christian” before any kind of music is meant to describe a lesser quality second rate version of the real stuff. There are lots of folks who equate Christian rock with Stryper because that’s all they know about.

For those who feel that being a Christian musician who’s life is devoted to Jesus and writing music for the ‘glory of God’ makes you less of a composer or player, I suggest you fix your eyes on Johann Sebastian Bach.

As far as his impact to music today here, for example, is a passage from the 2001 edition of Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians:

Bach, Johann Sebastian, supreme arbiter and lawgiver of music, a master comparable in greatness of stature with Aristotle in philosophy and Leonardo da Vinci in art (...). Bach's system of "equal temperament" (which is the meaning of "well-tempered" in the title Well-Tempered Clavier) postulated the division of the octave into 12 equal semitones, making it possible to transpose and to effect a modulation into any key, a process unworkable in the chaotic tuning of keyboard instruments before Bach's time.

So the next time you are enjoying your favorite guitar solo, thank Bach, a Christian, for allowing Fender to figure out where to place the frets on the guitar.

Mozart and Beethoven were among his most prominent admirers. Mozart once heard a performance of one of the Bach motets and exclaimed, 'Now, here is something one can learn from!' Beethoven was also a devotee, learning the Well-Tempered Clavier as a child and later calling Bach “the original father of harmony."

The next time you are enjoying some layered harmonized vocals by Jon Anderson or Gentle Giant, say thanks to Bach.

The last time I checked, there was no genre of music called “Christian Classical” or “Christian Baroque." So if you are a reviewer eager to slam Torman Maxt and express your feelings about us, here is a suggested list of legitimate reasons to hate us:

1. We sound too much like metal and not progressive enough.
2. The vocals are whiny and annoying.
3. The production of the album is cloudy.
4. The album is too repetitive.
5. There isn’t enough emotion in the songwriting.
6. The bass and drums are too low in the mix.
7. The bass and drums aren’t complex enough.

I’m sure if one is creative, they can come up with more. But, please, I implore you, don’t use the term “Christian rock." Please, leave Jesus out of it! It is not His fault that we are such an untalented band who put out such pathetically lame albums.

Oh, and by the way, please tell as many of your friends as possible to download the free album so they can hate it, too.


Steve said...

Hey, I used to love Stryper! ;-) Thanks for the downloadable album, I'm just going to start listening. I bought The Foolishness of God a few years ago based solely on the word 'progressive' and comparison to Rush, and I was not disappointed!

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm sorry Tony, but I have tried your music and I find it really unprofessional and IMHO you sound like a young carage band. Your playing and composing skills are kinda weak. But as a positive thing, you can always improve!

Progman said...

I'm downloading your album now. Speaking of Christian rock, you may perhaps have heard of Neal Morse. The guy is a musical genius and he is true to his religious faith when it comes to making music. I am no Christian by all means, but my wife and I enjoy his music tremendously. So, I guess your point about Christian Rock may have been all covered by C-Prog genre already.

look forward to hearing your stuff soon.

Anonymous said...

Well I stumbled upon this site and found it to be a bit self discriminating. Why care what others think? We all believe and think what others dont. So why care. I am disabled and I know im poor due to that. And those who look down their noses at me I just ask them how much do you make? I made 16.00 an hr before this happened to me. Do you make that now? I doubt it. As far as your music Im glad I stumbled upon it. I love Neal Morse another"Christian" musician,progger as well. Your mmusic is very good as well. I would have listened to you if I would have known about your band.
Keep "teh faith" and yep keep on progin".

Anonymous said...

Hey man. Just downloaded your freebie album and I am intrigued. I am not by any standard what you would assume to be a christian person but when it comes to music it really doesn´t matter to me what the artists personal beliefs are as long as the music offers me something interesting and there is something about your music although I cannot put my finger on it now. It´ll take a few more listenings to come to terms with how I truly feel about this, but intriguing it is. Keep up the work.

Ichthus said...

Just listened to the freebie album, and really love it. I don't really care what your music is classed as, or what genre or box people would like to put you in, I just know I love it. Praise the Lord:)

Greg Stevens said...

Cleo...your comment has to be a joke, right? If not, you must be dating Phil Keaggy. Certainly you never met Dale Carnegy.

Anyway, missed one: "There isn't enough swearing in it to make my parents hate it". LOL When my son started playing music and writing, I told him he would never miss a sale because there was 'too little swearing' and would never alienate a parent if he refrained from including it. He has lived up to that standard and I am proud of him for it.

Again, God bless you and more power to you--and now, to the listening!

Deco said...

Hello Tony.
Great!!!! Awaited.
Thank you for informing us of this new work.
God bless you!